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eBaywatch: Jedi Friday

Yoda you seek? Jedi knight you think you are? Icthus on car you want not? In luck you are today.May the Force be with your wedding reception. Still looking for a lightsaber to cut the cake with . . . Meanwhile, Cake Wrecks has your number, O Jedi bride. Alternatively, make the cake yourself. And . . . . Continue Reading »

Star Wars, Give Me Those Star Wars . . .

Nothing but Star Wars, Star Wars todaaaaaay . . . The more I think about Jedi as an organized religion, the more I can’t stop thinking about it. Actually, I use the word “organized” loosely. It seems that being a Jedi is more like being a Mason, or maybe a Boy Scout, than it is . . . . Continue Reading »

For the June Bride

So, you’re getting married, and you want, in the words of, to “celebrate your Christianity along with your wedding day.” Some people get married in cowboy boots, and some people have dogs in their wedding parties, and some people get married skydiving; you want . . . . Continue Reading »

Ideas Have . . .

. . . ways of not playing out in quite the way you’d envisioned sometimes. At least, that’s one way to put it. A friend once told me the story of a play he’d been in, or seen, or heard about, or had a friend who had a friend who had heard this story from someone who was in it, or . . . . Continue Reading »

Curiosities for the Christian Bride

Now, you will find this difficult to believe, but when I got married, lo these many years ago — on my last anniversary I should properly have received something bronze, like a nice equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius — there was no such thing as software. I mean, not practically . . . . Continue Reading »

Peddler of Paradise

Recently I witnessed a spectacle unlike anything I have seen in twenty years: a mass wedding celebrated by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. On April 27, 2002, in the ballroom of a large hotel on the fringe of America’s capital, I watched as Moon formalized the wedding vows of—or so he . . . . Continue Reading »

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