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Oh, Mr. Rochester —

Has any woman ever sought holy orders purely on the grounds of having read and loved Jane Eyre?Clergy CoutureWhat do you call this kind of thing, anyway? My husband suggests the term frossock. [Rating: . . . . Continue Reading »

Walking on Water: More Christian Shoes

Guy in striped shirt: “There I was, passed out on the beach, when these people came up and started witnessing to me. The next thing I knew, I was wearing these shoes . . . “So many styles to choose from! There’s the “Many Names of Jesus” lo-top (in pink!) Or what about . . . . Continue Reading »

In His Footsteps

What would happen, I asked myself, if I googled the phrase “Christian Shoes?”This here is the “Deception” shoe for women. That’s “Deception,” as in “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” . . . . Continue Reading »

What Aquinas Really Said About Women

In several passages in the Summa Theologiae and elsewhere, Thomas Aquinas asserts that the inferiority of women lies not just in bodily strength but in force of intellect. To top this off, he maintains that feminine intellectual inferiority actually contributes to the order and beauty of the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Holy Feminine

What to do about the female saints? Arriving at an acceptable consensus regarding the holy women of Christianity has been a persistent problem for feminist theologians. The first wave of the women’s movement tended to take a disparaging stance toward the nuns, lay spinsters, wives, mothers, . . . . Continue Reading »

What Aquinas Never Said About Women

If the first casualty of war is the unwelcome truth, the first tool of the discontented is the welcome lie. Such lies cluster freely around Thomas Aquinas. Here I want to engage two frequently encountered in feminist literature: that he claims women are defective males and that he claims that the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Myth of Soulless Women

Josh Billings remarked profoundly that “the trouble with people is not that they don’t know but that they know so much as ain’t so.” There are those who know John Chrysostom said that “the image of God is not found in Woman.” (Actually, he said that “the image of God is not found in . . . . Continue Reading »

Men and Women—Can We Be Friends?

In Xenophon’s Oeconomicus, Socrates and Critobulus are discussing household management, in which the wife plays a major role. The exchange goes this way: “Anyhow, Critobulus, you should tell us the truth, for we are all friends here. Is there anyone to whom you commit more affairs of . . . . Continue Reading »

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