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The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus

The project known as Evangelicals and Catholics Together is now in its thirteenth year, following its initial statement, “The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium,” with much-discussed statements on salvation, Scripture, and the Communion of Saints. The group is currently engaged in . . . . Continue Reading »

Secular Feminism’s Path to Power

In 1968, Hillary Rodham was little more than an outsider in the Democratic party. Rodham was a member of a meritocratic elite in a mass party; a white-collar, mainline Protestant, suburban woman in a national party run by blue-collar, Catholic, urban men. In fact, her ties with the party were thin. . . . . Continue Reading »

Pumpkin Hurling

Every Columbus Daythe locals bring their chairsand watch a trebuchetlaunch pumpkins past a fortof tin, as engineersat play attempt to crushthe record for the sport of hurling giant squash .It must have been a shockwhen such a monster threwsilent rounds of rockinto the market squarehundreds of years . . . . Continue Reading »

Newman in the Modern Classroom

I really think learning should be optional, ma’am.” This statement comes from one of my ninth graders in response to yet another lecture of mine on how important it is for students to bring their literature books to class—a particular hurdle in my case because I teach at a military school. . . . . Continue Reading »

Protecting Children and Imagining the Worst

Eight years ago in our urban Catholic parish in Connecticut, a teenager I’ll call Elizabeth started a club for girls. Small but fortunate in its members, the club survived Elizabeth’s departure for the Naval Academy. Another well-formed, homeschooled teenager took her place, and when she in turn . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Conservatives Should Care About Cities

It is not only conservatives but Americans in general who have had a hard time reconciling what they think of as characteristically American aspirations with the actual life of modern American cities. It’s a certain disharmony between the way we think and the way we live. Our fierce attachment to . . . . Continue Reading »

The December Issue Is Here!

The December issue of First Things has just appeared, the first of the Yuletide deliveries to arrive and mark the beginning of the Christmas season.Well, maybe not, since the issue contains a short piece from me called “The End of Advent,” which bemoans the omnipresence of Christmas: . . . . Continue Reading »



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