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Faithful Catholics and Faithful Americans

For the early Christians, living in societies that were at best indifferent to Christianity and frequently hostile, the challenge was how to survive without compromising the faith. During the time of persecution, Christians would find it often impossible to be true to Jesus and accommodate the . . . . Continue Reading »

Cooking the Books in Germany

A story in the New York Times explains that, in Germany, the government fixes the prices at which books are sold, meaning that, for any given book, every bookseller in Germany must sell the book at the government-determined price.The Times columnist can’t quite conceal his admiration. "If . . . . Continue Reading »

Religion and Politics Debate

On Saturday, November 10, at Gotham Hall in New York City, The Economist magazine will sponsor a debate that should be of great interest to our readers.The proposition: “Religion and politics should always be kept separate.”The participants:Barry Lynn and Irshad Manji (for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Drive On

The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest decoration for bravery during combat operations. The president presents the medal in the name of Congress to a member of the military who has "distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and . . . . Continue Reading »

When "Catholic Positions" Are Not

On most of the questions of public policy we debate today¯even many important ones¯there is no Catholic position. Rather, faithful Catholics may reasonably reach different judgments and vigorously promote them over the alternatives. No particular view can be said to be uniquely in line . . . . Continue Reading »

A Decidedly Unsappy Bella

Chick flicks are the caramel-lattés of romantic comedy¯sweet and frothy, without much nutritional value. Chick flicks reheat the Cinderella story and serve it up with topping for a cozy evening: Boy meets girl, complications ensue, love saves the day¯and in the end, the stepsisters . . . . Continue Reading »



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