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Bottum: Comfort and Joy

A second in our series of Christmas Reruns ¯writings on the season from our authors through the years. Here’s something of my own from First Things , a squib that appeared last year on our website, one of many I’ve done over the years to herald in the season: Comfort and Joy . . . . Continue Reading »

Bottum: The Pius War Revisited

Pius XII is back in the news, this time in reports that the man who would later become Pope John XXIII criticized Pius for inaction during the Holocaust. The various news reports, mostly from the Associated Press, are based on an article in the Israeli journal Haaretz , which noted: Prof. Dina . . . . Continue Reading »

Novak: In Praise of Jeane Kirkpatrick

Aristotle wrote that the criterion of good moral action is not a principle or a law so much as "the man of practical wisdom"¯that is, the person in your environment who habitually makes the wisest and bravest decisions of anyone else you know. Aristotle mentions, in his context, . . . . Continue Reading »

Powers: The Party of Responsibility?

The Republicans seem to have lost the values voters in the midterm elections. William Saletan, author of Bearing Right: How Conservatives Won the Abortion War and frequent contributor on the subject of abortion for, sees this loss as a chance for the Democrats to capture these voters, if . . . . Continue Reading »

Bottum: Christmas Reruns

The first of our Christmas Reruns ¯writings on the season from our authors through the years.It’s hardly worth the effort to point out how difficult good sestinas are to write. The poet Dana Gioia has a cruel, funny sestina about how all poetry students, assigned to write one, choose to . . . . Continue Reading »

Sacramone: Review of Babel

In the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, the hubris of technological man, seeking to realize the full potential of his monolithic, monolingual power, is crushed by the sovereignty of monotheism’s one true God. And so the spell of a common language is broken, nations are formed and . . . . Continue Reading »

Miller: Martino and High Stone Walls

Vatican City, as most people know, is a sovereign state, albeit a very small one entirely within Italian territory in the city of Rome. Most visitors to this tiny country enter it by stepping from the Via della Conciliazione, which is in Italy, into St. Peter’s Square, which is in Vatican . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN: The Pope in Turkey

There are so many pieces to Pope Benedict’s visit to Turkey this week that one hardly knows where to begin. In almost all the media coverage, it was quite forgotten that this was, first of all, a pastoral and ecumenical visit. There is a very small Catholic community in Turkey that is as . . . . Continue Reading »



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