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Briefly Noted

Our Idea of God: An Introduction to Philosophical Theologyby Thomas V. MorrisUniversity of Notre Dame Press, 192 pages, $18.95 Aclear and solid introduction to philosophical theology, which is best described as an attempt to answer the questions children ask: Where is God? What is God like? How do . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

Faith and Philanthropy in America: Exploring the Role of Religion in America’s Voluntary Sectoredited by Robert WuthnowJossey-Bass, 327 pages, $29.95 More than $100 billion is given to “charities” each year in the U.S., and more than half of that giving is associated with religion. Another . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

A calm, comprehensive, and utterly devastating critique of evolution elevated to the level of religious faith. Johnson of the University of California, Berkeley, brings a lawyer’s keen mind to dissecting the arguments that sustain evolution as one of the more overweening orthodoxies in . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

Theonomy: A Reformed Critique edited by William S. Barker and W. Robert Godfrey Zondervan, 413 pages, $15.95  Certainly one of the more interesting religious stories of recent years has been the attraction of growing numbers of evangelical Christians to a variation of Reformed . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

The Edges of Science: Crossing the Boundary from Physics to Metaphysics by Richard Morris Prentice Hall, 244 pages, $18.95  What was happening, if anything, before there was time? And what does “before” mean in that sentence? Are physicists and cosmologists on the edge of . . . . Continue Reading »

Alasdair MacIntyre's University

Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry by Alasdair MacIntyre University of Notre Dame Press, 241 pages, $24.95 Over the course of the last five years or so the quality of philosophical inquiry into both ethical and religious matters has increased significantly. Martha Nussbaum’s The . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

Edmund Burke: Appraisals and Applicationsedited by daniel ritchietransaction books, 291 pages, $29.95 An excellent collection of essays on a political philosopher of timeless value and enduring interest. Burke, the prototype and progenitor of modern conservatism, is considered from various . . . . Continue Reading »

Being Modern

Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity by charles taylor harvard university press, 601 pages, $29.95  To describe Sources of the Self as a learned book would be a little like describing Michael Jordan as a skilled basketball player: accurate, but hardly adequate to the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Transcendent in the Mundane

Ordinary Time by a. g. mojtabai doubleday, 223 pages, $17.95 A.G. Mojtabai’s nonfiction work, Blessed Assurance, won the 1986 Lillian Smith Award for the best book about the American South. Now, in her fifth novel, Ordinary Time, in prose as clean and spare as the landscape which is its setting, . . . . Continue Reading »

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