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Briefly Noted

If you’re interested in either the thought of St. John Paul II or masculinity in general, this is the book for you. In the first two parts, Delaney brilliantly summarizes and explains John Paul’s philosophy of the human person and his theology of the body. In the latter half of the book, Delaney . . . . Continue Reading »

Unintended Consequences

There probably will never be a consensus on Vatican II and its legacy: to what extent it channeled the Holy Spirit, and how much its implementation was hijacked by the world, the flesh, and the devil. But all those who read George Weigel’s fine new book, whatever their points of view, will find . . . . Continue Reading »

Recycling the Same Old Same Old

Those demeaning John Paul’s intellectual and moral heroism in a lame attempt to defend the Liquid Catholicism that has proven an evangelical failure everywhere are examples of intellectual exhaustion and evangelical cowardice in the face of woke cultural aggression. Continue Reading »

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