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The Fall of Pride

On June 2, 2024, protestors temporarily halted the Philly Pride Parade. They were not congregants of the Westboro Baptist Church or representatives of the Proud Boys but members of a group called Queers 4 Palestine. They held up a sign saying “No Pride in Genocide.” As . . . . Continue Reading »

Empire Under Siege

I did a good bit of traveling in early June. Only in mid-month did I settle back into my regular routines, walking to work through midtown Manhattan with my miniature dachshund, Mabel. As I traversed the avenues, I noticed a striking fact: Pride flags are conspicuously absent. Yes, a large Pride . . . . Continue Reading »

Against Genius

“This is the main road God takes to come to us: our recognition of our own ignorance.” So said Stephen of Muret, a medieval hermit and purported founder of the Grandmontine order of monks that disappeared in the eighteenth century. The idea that wisdom comes from admitting our own ignorance was . . . . Continue Reading »

How Not To Lead

Political discretion on the world stage can never be an excuse for local bishops to avoid speaking the truth, and—worse—to decline to provide counsel and encouragement to faithful Catholic public officials seeking their support. Continue Reading »

Greetings from the Rainbow Reich

The Rainbow Reich and its agenda of cultural deregulation is the natural partner to the most ambitious programs of economic deregulation, which is why corporate American embraces it. Both destroy protections of the weakest and most vulnerable in the name of “freedom.” Continue Reading »

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