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JD Vance, Religious Populist

For at least a generation, the phrase “religious right” has evoked a style of politics marked by hortatory rhetoric, foreign-policy interventionism, and support for the free movement of people and goods. This version of Christian politics reached its zenith during the George W. Bush . . . . Continue Reading »

Power Failure

Most conservative law students of the past three decades can probably recite by heart the principles of the Federalist Society, dutifully declared at the opening of every FedSoc event on every campus by a smartly dressed young officer of the chapter. They begin: “That the state exists to preserve . . . . Continue Reading »

Defined by the Cross

The constant refrain of this book is that American evangelicals are not necessarily either white or Republican. As the author points out, evangelicals are distinguished more by charitable giving than by Republican voting. And their numbers have frequently been drawn from African-American, Native . . . . Continue Reading »

The Fusionism That Failed

Understanding the upheavals of American conservatism requires the study of its ­history—in particular, the fortunes of Frank Meyer, inventor of the Cold War synthesis that reigned for decades as conservative orthodoxy and has only recently met with serious challenge. Like many other figures . . . . Continue Reading »

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