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Owls: We Have a Common Culture

When stuck for content for a slow blogging week, cultural conservatives are apt to bemoan the loss of common culture. While it wasn’t much, there did seem to be something comforting about all of America huddled about a bleary black-and-white looking at I Love Lucy. Lucy stuffing chocolate in . . . . Continue Reading »

Leon Kass to Receive Paul Ramsey Award

The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network has announced that Dr. Leon R. Kass has been selected to receive the 2010 Paul Ramsey Award, given to those who have demonstrated exemplary achievement in the field of bioethics. Kass, the Addie Clark Harding Professor in the Committee on Social Thought . . . . Continue Reading »

iPhones Have Consequences

In a Doonesbury cartoon of recent vintage, Zipper, nephew to the 1960s slacker Zonker Harris, sits in a college class, his laptop open before him, giving every impression of industrious note-taking: Tap tap tappity tap tap. “Dude,” a classmate instant-messages him. “The professor’s calling . . . . Continue Reading »

Technicians of Learning

Modern institutions talk about themselves. When a corporation refashions itself—undergoes a complete makeover not merely to look different, but to play an entirely different role—this revolution is fundamentally a matter of talk. Such a transformation took place in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Man and Machine

Man and Machine William A. Dembski’s “Are We Spiritual Machines?” (October 1999) challenges the spiritualistic materialism of strong Artificial Intelligence enthusiasts such as Marvin Minsky with arguments that are among the best I have ever seen. There are no doubt other Christians with Mr. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Archetypes in the Machine

TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information by erik davis. harmony. 368 pp. $25.Early on in this fascinating survey of the spiritual dimension of cyberculture, Erik Davis observes that “the spiritual imagination seizes information technology for its own purposes.” The . . . . Continue Reading »

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