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Seriously, God Is Love

Sergius Bulgakov has long been hailed by Orthodox and non-­Orthodox alike as a titan of twentieth-­century theology. He wrote on everything. After a youthful flirtation with Marx, he published Philosophy of Economy (1912), an anti-Marxist work of social theory. In The Tragedy of . . . . Continue Reading »


My deep thanks to Brad East for his piece on doing theology in a divided church (“Theology in Division,” April 2023). The topic is centrally important and rarely taken seriously, as if its obviousness renders the challenge uninteresting. East’s larger points about aiming at a catholic theology . . . . Continue Reading »

Reno Contra Mundum

This journal’s ­editor has given us a book that is at once timely and important and that invites Christian biblical studies and theology to reengage each other in a task of uncommon urgency. For me as a biblical scholar, it is an honor to be invited to that dialogue in these pages. Biblical . . . . Continue Reading »

Great Scot

Rodney Dangerfield famously claimed to get no respect, but in fact he was admired enormously by his fellow comics. Though it feels faintly impious to liken Blessed John Duns Scotus to a comedian, the comparison is, at least in this regard, apt. Scotus has nothing like the reputation in the popular . . . . Continue Reading »

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