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Two False Newmans

On October 13, Pope Francis will declare John Henry Newman a saint. Catholics from around the world will crowd St. ­Peter’s Square to see the greatest religious thinker of Victorian England raised to the altars. Amid the joy and apparent concord of that day, there will be at least two . . . . Continue Reading »

Harrowing Hart on Hell

David Bentley Hart, familiar to readers of these pages as an intellectual pugilist who floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee, has entered the ring for the Big Fight. Armed with his recent translation of the New Testament, he is ready to prove that no one suffers eternal . . . . Continue Reading »

FDR’s Faith

A Christian and a Democrat gets off to an inauspicious start, with a foreword by former FBI director James Comey denouncing President Trump and his evangelical supporters. Comey, of course, mismanaged a spurious investigation of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and was later fired for cause . . . . Continue Reading »

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