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Death on Demand

The Swiss Supreme Court has ruled that people with mental illnesses can be legally assisted in suicide. The case came about when a member of Dignitas, an organization that, for a fee, provides a safe house for, and assistance with, suicide, brought a lawsuit seeking the right to have his death . . . . Continue Reading »

Moralism and UK Adoption Laws

Overweening moralism is, if you believe most of what you read in the newspapers, the unique sin of conservative religious people. Of course, it isn’t actually true¯as witness this latest example of moralism, a secular-liberal moralism imposed by law, from Great Britain. At issue was . . . . Continue Reading »

Married Women and the New York Times

As a general rule, the New York Times tries so hard to discredit Jewish and Christian morality that it is foolish to trust any of its articles purporting to describe Census Bureau statistics, especially when the latter involve marriage and family. It is best to treat analyses appearing in the Times . . . . Continue Reading »

A Heretic Is as a Heretic Does

Fr. Edward Oakes has been thinking about what constitutes a heretic . Let us take the next step with him in upping the ante of precision for the use of the word.He is right that “unthinkingly hurling accusations” is counterproductive. But if heresy concerns dogmas with “objective . . . . Continue Reading »

Response to Oakes on Protestants and Heresy

While I agree with the general sentiment of Fr. Edward Oakes’ observations yesterday concerning the invidious or vituperative use of the word heresy , I feel that he is turning into a matter of sentiment what should be a matter of precise definition. If the word heresy is thought of merely as . . . . Continue Reading »

The Hrant Dink Murder and Its Meaning

On January 19, 2007, a journalist named Hrant Dink was shot dead by a seventeen-year-old militant on one of Istanbul’s busiest avenues. In just thirty-two hours, the Turkish police caught the reckless killer, who confessed his crime quite proudly. “I shot the Armenian,” he said . . . . Continue Reading »

He Who Pays the Piper …

One of the most dramatic stories of religious and cultural change in recent American history is the collapse of what was viewed as the Protestant establishment. Its main institutional embodiment was the National Council of Churches (NCC) , established in 1950 as the successor to the Federal Council . . . . Continue Reading »



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