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Searching for Pro-Life Fiction

Are there enough great short stories to make a pro-life anthology?Perhaps, but the failure of contemporary art to join the fight against abortion is one of the saddest facts about the modern American scene. It was predictable, of course. One of the central intellectual problems of twentieth-century . . . . Continue Reading »

The Journey Home

This evening (Monday) at eight o’clock, Fr. Leonard Klein will be the guest of Marcus Grodi on The Journey Home on EWTN.Klein was for many years a leader of the “evangelical catholic” movement in the Lutheran Church before being received into full communion and, several years . . . . Continue Reading »

The Brownback Announcement

Last weekend I did something I have avoided doing for years. I went to a political rally. I am no longer a political junkie, but there was a time in my life when I was. From high school, through college, and for many years beyond I had no greater ambition than to be a, uh, politician. I started out . . . . Continue Reading »

The State of Social Conservatism

So what is one to make of the State of the Union address last night? A superior instance of what is, you have to admit, one of the low forms of American speechmaking. When did the State of the Union descend into this kind of oopy-goopy, forty-eight-ovation touchy-feely-ness? All of Clinton’s . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN: Iraq and Things to Come

I have no privileged perspective on the wisdom or lack thereof in President Bush’s Wednesday night address on Iraq. Like most readers¯and, one would like to think, all who have at heart both America’s interests and the avoidance of greater misery in the Middle East¯I hope the . . . . Continue Reading »

Death and Lectures

I’ll be lecturing in Baltimore on Monday, January 29, and in Denver on Tuesday, February 6. You might stop by, if you live near and haven’t anything better to do—like cleaning out your closets, or washing the dog, or finally writing that letter to your Great-Aunt Mabel. The topics . . . . Continue Reading »

Do Not Adjust Your Browser

Behold, the redesign of our website has arrived¯at last! It now features:• Online-only subscription (as well as access to the most recent issues if you already have a paper subscription)• A new search engine , which enables you to distinguish between the magazine and the website when . . . . Continue Reading »

Ambivalence and Resolve About Roe

The most consequential cultural and political event in American history in the past half century was the Roe v. Wade decision of January 22, 1973. An argument can be made that it is rivaled by September 11, but that fateful day did not result in the deep realignment of religious, cultural, and . . . . Continue Reading »

An Anscombe Society Conference

Living a chaste life on a college campus is difficult. Defending your commitments to chastity, whether to your friends in the dorm room or to your professors in the classroom, is even more difficult. If you haven’t been a university student for a while, think back to what the sexual climate on . . . . Continue Reading »



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