- Maas, Korey
- Mabry, Benjamin
- Maccarini, Andrea
- MacGloin, T.
- Machado, Antonio Machado From The Spanish By Robert Schechter
- Mack, Dana
- Mackin, Joshua John
- MacNair, Rachel
- Madden, Thomas
- Maddox, Marjorie
- Maffucci, Maria McFadden
- Magarik, Raphael
- Maggi, Richard
- Maguire, Matthew
- Mahoney, Daniel
- Mahoney, Daniel
- Mahoney, Joseph
- Maier, Francis
- Maier, Suann Therese
- Maitra, Sumantra
- Majmudar, Amit
- Malik, Habib
- Manaster, Robert
- Mandel, Bethany
- Manent, Pierre
- Mankowski, Paul
- Mann, Stephanie
- Manning, Teresa
- Mannion, Francis
- Mansfield, Harvey
- Mansini, O.S.B., Lawrence Welch And Guy
- Mansini, O.S.B., Guy
- Marcantonio, Dino
- Marcello, Leo Luke
- Mariani, Paul
- Mariani, Robert
- Mark, Daniel
- Markatos, Tim
- Marker, Rita
- Markham, Ian
- Markos, Louis
- Marlett, Jeffrey
- Marquardt, Elizabeth
- Marsan, Laura
- Marsden, George
- Marsden, Janet
- Marshall, Paul
- Marshall, David
- Marshall, Bruce
- Martell, George
- Martens, Kurt
- Martin, John
- Martin, Francis
- Martin, D.
- Martin, Judith
- Martin, David
- Martin, Kevin
- Martin, Nathan
- Martin, Charles
- Martinson, Jim
- Marty, Martin
- Martyr, Philippa
- Mason, Marc
- Mason, David
- Master, Jonathan
- Masugi, Ken
- Matava, R.
- Mathewes-Green, Frederica
- Mathie, Anna
- Mathis, Cindy Hernandez
- Mattingly, Trenton
- Mattix, Micah
- Mattox, Mickey
- Mattson, Daniel
- Mattson, Brian
- Matus, Victorino
- May, William
- Mayo, Josh
- Mayo, Joshua
- Mazurczak, Filip
- McAllister, Ted
- McArthur, Benjamin
- McCabe, Victoria
- McCabe, Kevin
- McCaffrey, Kevin
- McCain, Paul
- McCall, Mark
- McCarthy, John
- McCarthy, Margaret
- McCarthy, Daniel
- McClay, B.
- McClay, Wilfred
- McCloskey, III, John
- McClure, Hunter
- McClymond, Michael
- McConnell, Michael
- McConnell, Mary
- McConnell, Michael
- McConnell, Scott
- McCormack, John
- McCrery, James
- McCullough, Ross
- McCusker, Claire
- McDaniel, Stefan
- McDermott, Gerald
- McDermott, Ryan
- McDonald, Walt
- McDonough, Tom
- McDougall, Walter
- McDowell, Mark
- McDowell, Robert
- McElroy, John
- McFee, Michael
- McGilchrist, Iain
- McGinley, Brandon
- McGrath, Alister
- McGrath, Reid
- McGrew, Bethel
- McGuire, Ashley Samelson
- McGuire, Ashley
- McGuire, Ashley
- McGurn, William
- McHugh, Paul
- McHugh, James
- McInerny, D.
- McInerny, Ralph
- McKenna, George
- McKenna, Andrew
- McKinley, Anne
- McKnight, Scot
- McLean, Susan
- McMullin, Ernan
- McNeilly, Toni
- McNelis, S.J., Paul
- McPherson, David
- McShea, Bronwen
- McWhorter, John
- Mead, Lawrence
- Meador, Jake
- Meconi, David Vincent
- Meeks, Brandon
- Meilaender, Peter
- Meilaender, Gilbert
- Melanchthon, Philip
- Melchior, Jillian Kay
- Melchischyros, Basilides
- Menashe, Samuel
- Merchant, John
- Meredith, Stephen
- Merrill, Trevor Cribben
- Messer, Dustin
- Messmore, Ryan
- Meyer, Stephen
- Meyer, Ben
- Meyrat, Auguste
- Mezey, Robert
- Michael, David
- Michaloski, Matt
- Michel, Jen Pollock
- Michieli, Madison
- Middleton, David
- Mifsud, Johanna
- Mikochik, Stephen
- Milbank, John
- Milbank, Sebastian
- Milbrath, Mary Margaret
- Milburn, Mark
- Milco, Elliot
- Milco, Elliot
- Miles, L.
- Millegan, Brantly
- Miller, Eric
- Miller, Stephen
- Miller, John
- Miller, Mark
- Miller, Michael
- Miller, Monica Migliorino
- Miller, Robert
- Miller, James Andrew
- Miller, Carol
- Miller, Paul
- Millerman, Michael
- Milliner, Matthew
- Millman, Noah
- Mills, David
- Mills, Wilmer
- Mills, Anthony
- Milosch, Mark
- Miner, Robert
- Miner, Brad
- Miola, Robert
- Mirhej, Andrew
- Mirra, Joseph
- Mirsky, Yehudah
- Misulia, Mark
- Mitchell, Joshua
- Mitchell, Mark
- Mitchell, Laura
- Mitchell, Ben
- Mitchican, Jonathan
- Mittleman, Alan
- Moberly, Elizabeth
- Mohler, Albert
- Moller, Dan
- Molnar, Thomas
- Moloney, Daniel
- Molton, Warren
- Monaghan, Kate
- Monson, Dian Saderup
- Monsour, Leslie
- Montagna, Diane
- Montgomery, Marion
- Mooney, Margarita
- Mooney, Sharon Fish
- Moore, T.
- Moore, Laurence
- Moore, Barbara
- Moore, Russell
- Moots, Glenn
- Morabito, Stella
- Moran, Moore
- Moran, Colin
- Morehouse, Joel
- Morel, Lucas
- Moreland, Anna Bonta
- Moreno, Pedro
- Morgan, Chris
- Morgan, Jason
- Moringiello, Scott
- Morris, Tom
- Morrison, Robert
- Morson, Gary Saul
- Moschella, Melissa
- Mosebach, Martin
- Mosher, Steven
- Mosier, Alicia
- Mott, Winfield
- Mourad, Suleiman
- Moussalli, Stephanie
- Mouw, Richard
- Movsesian, Mark
- Moyle, Tim
- Moyn, Samuel
- Mueller, John
- Mueller, Leilani
- Mühlenber, Marianne
- Mühlenberg, Marianne
- Mukasey, Michael
- Mulder, Jack
- Mullan, Dermott
- Mullarkey, Maureen
- Mullen, John
- Müller, Gerhard Cardinal
- Müller, Gerhard Ludwig
- Muller, Bridget Ellen
- Muller, Jerry
- Mullin, Robert Bruce
- Mullin, II, Miles
- Mullins, Matthew
- Mulroney, David
- Mumford, James
- Mumma, William
- Munoz, Phillip
- Muñoz, Vincent Phillip
- Muravchik, Joshua
- Murawski, Elisabeth
- Murchison, William
- Murdoch, Jessica
- Murdock, John
- Murphy, Francesca Aran
- Murphy, Timothy
- Murphy, Kevin Andrew
- Murphy, Michael
- Murray, John Courtney
- Murray, Gerald
- Murray, David Aaron
- Murray, Brian
- Murray, Oliver
- Murray, Les
- Myers, Evan
- Myers, D.
- Myers, Ben
- Myers, Benjamin
- Myers, Jimmy
- Myers, Kenneth
- Myers, Nicholas
- Myers, Burt
- Myler, Mary Frances
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